Ph: 08 9378 2335
Mob: 0417 901 354
Fax:08 9378 2335
251 Stirling Street, Perth WA 6000
PO Box 8081
Perth Business Centre WA 6000
Our Private Investigator Licence Number is 1A22115
Alpha Investigation Services provides professional private investigation services in surveillance, infidelity, internet scams, background checks, missing persons, sexual abuse, computer fraud and more.
Pre-Marital Checks
Pre-marital checks are very common in today's time; there is a lot at stake. Find out about him or her before making your decision.
Some things you need to think about, are they married, do they have children, do they indeed have an education degree such as a doctorate or are they really a professional business owner. This check can be done on anyone whether they live nationally or globally.